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Klip Lok Clips Klip Lok Clips with Sheet

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Order online: Easy to install KlipLok 700 fixing clips to hold your ZINCALUME® or COLORBOND® Klip Lok roofing sheets in place.

Recommended Fixing Method
When fastening into timber battens, use 12 Gauge x 40mm Hex Head Type 17 screws, 3 per clip (hardwood). Allow 1.3 clips per square metre. This is based on 1200mm batten centres.
When fastening into Steel Purlins, use 12 Gauge x 22mm Steel Fix Hex Head Screws, 3 per clip.



Before starting your first clip, it is a good idea to measure out how your sheets are going to fit into the section of roof you are about to lay. Remembering that each sheet covers 700mm, with an extra 30mm on end sheets. This will make it allot easier when it comes to doing the flasings. When staring your first clip, either measure of a wall or set up a string line, so that all clips are perfectly lined up, ready to gently lay your first sheet into place. 

Now all the other clips should link up to these ones quite easily. After laying each sheet, simply take a check measurement just incase the sheets are creeping out of shape at all. If so, there is a little bit of movement in the clips if you need to shink or stretch them slightly.

Do you have a question? Why not call us on 1300 886 944 or email us HERE

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