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Roofing Iron

Discover Top-Quality Metal Roofing COLORBOND® & ZINCALUME® Roofing Profiles from Trusted Australian BlueScope Steel.

Experience excellence with our range of metal roofing and walling sheets carefully curated from industry-leading names such as COLORBOND® and ZINCALUME®.

Customize lengths and colours effortlessly to match your building's aesthetic perfectly.

Elevate your roofing journey today!

All prices are GST inclusive and shown per LINEAL meter.

Let us know if we can help in any way 📞 1300 886 944 or  📧 sales@metalroofingonline.com.au


Choosing Between COLORBOND® and ZINCALUME®: A Friendly Guide for DIYers

Hey there! Deciding on the right type of metal roofing for your home can be like picking your favourite ice cream flavour at a new ice cream shop—exciting yet slightly overwhelming with all the available options. But don't worry, we're here to break it down for you, COLORBOND® versus ZINCALUME®, so you can make an informed choice without breaking a sweat. Let’s dive in!

What’s the Deal with COLORBOND® and ZINCALUME®?

First, both COLORBOND® and ZINCALUME® are stellar products from Australian BlueScope Steel, known for their durability and quality. However, they do have unique flavours.

COLORBOND® is the roofing world's chameleon. It comes in a variety of colours to match any style or environment. Plus, thanks to its reflective properties, it's not just a pretty face; it's built to keep your home cooler on hot days.

ZINCALUME®, on the other hand, is a strong, silent roof. It doesn’t come in colours, but its alloy coating makes it incredibly corrosion-resistant. This roof will stand by you through thick and thin, especially in harsh weather conditions.

Let’s Talk About Differences

Looks vs. Longevity: COLORBOND® offers a rainbow of colours to beautify your home, while ZINCALUME® is your go-to for that sleek, silver look that ages like fine wine.

Battling the Elements: ZINCALUME® might have a slight edge in corrosion resistance, especially near the sea or in industrial areas. However, COLORBOND®'s special paint coat isn't just for show; it adds an extra layer of protection against rust.

Cooling Costs: COLORBOND® roofs are designed to reflect more sunlight, potentially saving you some dollars on air conditioning, according to BlueScope's studies.

Cost Factor: Generally, ZINCALUME® can be a bit kinder to your wallet upfront due to the lack of colour processing.

Eco-friendly: Both are recyclable, but COLORBOND®’s reflective technology might help reduce your carbon footprint.

Why Metal Roofing Online?

Here's where Metal Roofing Online comes into play. Diving into roofing materials can be daunting for DIY home improvers. That’s why we’ve made it super simple to compare these two options. Our website is packed with all the details, stats, and insights you need, all available at a click. Plus, we deliver right to your door. How’s that for service?

Wrapping Up

Both COLORBOND® and ZINCALUME® have perks and quirks. It all boils down to what matters most to you: Is it the colour and thermal efficiency of COLORBOND® or the unbeatable durability and cost-effectiveness of ZINCALUME®?

We’ve provided all the facts and figures here to help you decide. Remember, whatever you choose, you're not just buying a roof but investing in your home's future. Have you considered how the right roof could transform your home improvement project?